Correa's In Flower 22.02.2009
Photo sunburnt Correa's
I was surprised over the weekend while out wandering in my garden to see our Correa's in flower. Not one plant here and there but 90% of them, now it's not unusual for plants to flower but the Correa's are predominantly a winter flowering plant. And it is certainly not winter, we are still in summer with temperatures still in the med to high thirties for days on end. Do our plants know what season it is, with hot days, but the nights have been quite cool with overnight due and temperatures as low as 10-11 degrees.
Note: In some of the photos you can see that some of the Correa leaves have been burnt by the high temperatures and burning sun. We have lost quite a few Correa's over the past weeks, so it was a shock really to see so many of them flowering, when I thought that they would all be struggling just to stay alive. It would take a lot out of a winter flowing plant in this heat to produce flowers, I would have thought.