Monday, October 27, 2008

Alyogyne Huegelii

Another Australian native Alyogyne huegelii in flower and looking great at the moment, this medium shrub grows to 2-2.5 metres in height with a similar spread. The leaves are bright green and the flowers are large and purple to mauve, with five slightly overlapping petals. The flowers only last 1-2 days but new blooms continue to open over a long period. Alyogyne huegelii is a great plant for landscaping in drier climate, it is a fast grower and may become untidy in habit unless pruned regularly. It like a sunny position, but will tollerate some shade and will perform in a range of soils provided the drainge is good.
Propagation of this plant is from seed germiates readily, with no special pretreatment, it will also readily strike from cutting.

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