Friday, November 4, 2011

Garden Guardians

beneficial insect attracting flowers
Recently I have been doing some reading and research on beneficial insects and the roll they play in the home garden. The hardest thing I found was identification of a good bug from a bad one, so I purchased a very informative book called Garden Guardians to help me with identification. The book also covered the plants and flowers that will attract beneficial insects to the garden and encourage them to stay and work for you. This requires a gardener to become organic and stay away from synthetic pesticides, fungicides and fertilisers as these will effect good and bad bugs alike. So to encourage good bugs into my garden I have planted a selection of annuals and perennials including some herbs (Alyssum, pansies, cosmos, lobelia, marigolds, daisies, coriander, basil, mint, thyme, oregano) to name a few. I do hope to see some good results from beneficial bugs as time goes on the Aphids have been a big problem in my garden this Spring, there have been very for plants that have not had Aphids attacking them.

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