Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oakland Vintage Automobile

But what is an "Oakland" you may ask?? The Wikipedia  tells us that Oakland was a General Motors brand automobile manufactured in Pontiac, Michigan. In the GM product ladder, an Oakland was a more upscale alternative to a Pontiac, but it was positioned downmarket from Oldsmobile and Buick.
We found this old vintage Oakland retired but not forgotten taking pride of place out the front of a house in Malmsbury Central Victoria on a recent trip through that area. It's appeal to someone like me with a camera is obvious. Just had to stop and take some photo's.


Dan said...

For an old relic, it still has maintained its beautiful form.

Hope you consider doing away with word verification and just use moderation. From a viewers perspective it is frustrating trying to spell out words that are difficult to read. Just saying.

What We're Doing In Maffra said...


Dee said...

What a wonderful old vehicle. I would suspect it is a Veteran car, it looks older than a Vintage car.

What We're Doing In Maffra said...

Rustic comes to mind Dee!!